- The Digital Content NewFronts have featured Web platforms pitching their original content in addition to marketers that are ready to invest in online video and digital ads.
- AOL, Google (YouTube), Hulu, Microsoft, Vevo and Yahoo were among those that held major events at the NewFronts. It’s not yet clear how much of the $70 billion brands spend on TV advertising will be diverted, but online video is already being perceived as a powerful marketing tool.
- The NewFronts (or new upfronts) were originally conceived as a way “to beat a drum for change,” explains Mark Beeching, chief creative and strategy officer at Digitas, but “now, it’s servicing a need.”
- “To woo Madison Avenue, the participants in the NewFronts are playing up similarities between television shows and digital content, particularly online video,” reports The New York Times. “There have been numerous announcements of new original programming, emulating the series format of TV; branded entertainment, in which products are woven into plot lines; and alliances with famous names.”
- Ross B. Levinsohn, executive VP for global media at Yahoo, described the NewFronts as “a watershed moment” that he expects will be followed by new trends in online video content and a subsequent shift of ad dollars.
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