Online Video Strategies: Does YouTube Really Need Hollywood?

  • Analyst Anthony DiClemente of investment firm Barclays Capital estimates YouTube’s revenues at $1.6 billion, which suggests the “site’s revenue has now synced up with the price Google paid for it five years ago,” reports AllThingsD.
  • Analysts debate the global percentage of Web video revenues YouTube has captured, but seem to agree that it “is finally a big business that makes serious money.”
  • Is the Hollywood channels strategy the next big step for YouTube to take on the traditional TV and cable networks?
  • “The big idea behind that one, after all, is to create stuff that advertisers will be happy to pay a premium for,” suggest the article. “But if YouTube is already generating $1.6 billion a year for non-premium stuff, why bother?”
  • AllThingsD suggests that the new “channel strategy is a big focus for YouTube, but it doesn’t mean the site is abandoning what’s already working.”


  1. You tube is both entertaining and educational, I love it. Maybe it doesn’t “need” movies… but they seems to want them… Seems a natural addition to the educational videos, the kids riding a skateboard off their parents rooftop, etc.

  2. You tube is both entertaining and educational, I love it. Maybe it doesn’t “need” movies… but they seems to want them… Seems a natural addition to the educational videos, the kids riding a skateboard off their parents rooftop, etc.

  3. Sooner or later any new media gets judged on it’s merits. To keep coming back the quality of some of the time spent there will get compared to higher level content. It’s just natural that in the early stages just the fact that it exists in enough. One day soon they will have to offer more.

  4. Sooner or later any new media gets judged on it’s merits. To keep coming back the quality of some of the time spent there will get compared to higher level content. It’s just natural that in the early stages just the fact that it exists in enough. One day soon they will have to offer more.

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