Panoramas: Panasonic Simulates Travel with Five 3D Cameras

The panoramic image has a rich history dating back to the 1800s. People have long pursued 360-degree imagery “in an effort to virtualize the experience of visiting an exotic locale,” according to Technology Review. A new project from Panasonic, called “DIVE into World Heritage 3D,” aims to create panoramic travel destination images seen clearer than ever before.

“The concept behind it is simple enough; deploy the absolute best cameras, en masse, and then display the content on the absolute best screens, again en masse,” writes Technology Review.

The project uses five 3D cameras to shoot the images, then uses five HD plasma panels to display them. It’s a pricey endeavor, to be sure. The five AG-3DA1 cameras cost $105,000.

In collaboration with UNESCO, Panasonic is shooting locations around the world. The Panasonic imaging system was presented at Digital Content EXPO 2012. The company is considering using the system for future Olympics footage and museum displays.

“Imaging technology is progressing every day,” said Masaru Kojima, manager of Panasonic’s Content Planning Center. “Today we’re using full high-definition, but in the future pixel counts are likely to grow, as well as the size of the displays themselves. We’d like to be on the leading edge as those sorts of devices become available.”

The post includes a 2-minute video report from DigInfo of the system in action.

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