While retailers continue to successfully use content sharing service Pinterest to help boost product sales, the strategy has drawn the attention of major Hollywood studios. Marketers are experimenting with ways that would help movie posters and promotional stills that are pinned to the site translate into ticket sales. Although transactions do note occur directly on Pinterest, clicking a pinned image can redirect users to other sites.
Market researcher Bizrate Insights notes that an estimated 32 percent of online shoppers have purchased products that they have seen on Pinterest. Some retailers, including Sephora and Wayfair, have experienced traffic to their sites from Pinterest increase by as much as 65 percent for certain products.
“Nearly every major distributor in Hollywood is experimenting internally with ways to court Pinterest’s core users: white college-educated women between the ages of 18-49 who live in rural areas and make $75,000 a year,” reports Variety. “It’s a demo that’s become tougher to attract, with summer tentpoles consisting of mostly of genre-heavy fare aimed at younger men.”
San Francisco-based Pinterest has been focused on building its user base and optimizing its mobile experience. Now the company is looking for ways to build revenue. It is uniquely positioned to do so, since it now has a following of 28 million active monthly users in the U.S. (placing it third behind Facebook and Twitter, in terms of usage).
“We’re always thinking about how we can make it easier for people to take action on the things they discover on Pinterest, including movies, but we don’t have anything specific to announce at this time,” said a company representative.
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