React Native Lets Developers Create Apps Using JavaScript
April 24, 2015
Facebook recently open-sourced its React Native framework to allow developers to build native mobile apps without having to compromise their use of JavaScript. The problem for many app developers has been that in order to build high performing apps, they would often have to go through the trouble of using Apple or Google’s complicated native tools. With React Native, app developers will be to create sophisticated apps while making use of the far less complicated JavaScript software.
Many native tools are “based on completely incompatible programming languages, meaning an app needs to be developed twice or more to run on iOS, Android and other platforms,” TechCrunch explains. Cross-platform solutions based on HTML, CSS and Javascript, on the contrary, require much less time and effort because “all mobile platforms can display Web pages, which means you only need to develop one version of an app with Web-based tools using a much more rapid workflow.”
Unfortunately, apps built through cross-platform solutions do not always perform as well as apps built through Apple’s native toolkit.
Facebook’s React Native is said to combine the best qualities of native tools and cross-platform solutions into one solution that could ultimately improve the experience of developing apps and help developers save more time.
TechCrunch writes that “the app industry still suffers under many of the same pains we’ve had since the invention of the smartphone: double work on iOS and Android, difficult-to-use tools and slow development iterations.” Facebook’s React Native may be the framework to change all that.
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