Reuters Announces New Social Dashboard for Journalists and Readers

  • Reuters has launched a new social media dashboard called Social Pulse for following its reporters and providing readers with social data.
  • “The new tools…connect readers directly with journalists, rank CEOs in social media based on their ‘influence,’ track online discussion of top public companies and pull together the outside content being shared with Reuters’ staff,” reports Advertising Age.
  • “We really wanted to highlight the great work our journalists are doing on Twitter, so we built a directory that lets users find our reporters, bloggers and editors by category and location so you can drill down to business journalists in India or tech writers in the UK,” explained Alex Leo, director of new products at Reuters.
  • Sharing content and following reporters on Twitter have become must-have features for news outlets, but Reuters hopes its new Social Pulse tools will provide more than that by powering editorial products.
  • “Our audience is made up of sophisticated news users, who are not just interested in what’s trending on Twitter but how social can inform their business lives. We set out with the goal of using social media in a way they would find both innovative and addictive,” Ms. Leo said.

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