RIM: Will New BlackBerry 10 be Enough to Turn Consumers Around?

  • BlackBerry maker Research In Motion continues trying to improve its brand in order to compete with other smartphone makers. A new customer satisfaction survey released Tuesday reveals that the company likely needs to pick up the pace.
  • The American Customer Satisfaction Index “found that RIM’s customers were the least satisfied cellphone users among customers of the seven phone makers it tracked in its survey during the first quarter of this year,” reports The New York Times.
  • On a satisfaction scale of 100, RIM earned a 69 overall. Apple was the leader, coming in at 83.
  • Thorsten Heins, RIM’s chief executive officer, acknowledges that touchscreen BlackBerrys are not competitive, but that BlackBerrys with keyboards are the leaders in the market.
  • “Later this year the company will introduce phones using a new operating system, BlackBerry 10, which it hopes will fare better against Apple’s iPhone and phones using Google’s Android operating system,” explains the article.

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