Security: CISPA Backed by Internet Companies and SOPA Opponents

  • The Cyberintelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) is being backed by Internet companies that were previously opposed to its predecessors — SOPA and PIPA.
  • Under CISPA, companies are no longer responsible for the actions of its customers. The government is now responsible. Moreover, companies can refuse requests for information.
  • Microsoft, Facebook, AT&T, Intel and Verizon have all expressed support for the proposed legislation.
  • Still, while the legislation does not threaten the operation of the Internet, some critics see it as a threat to data privacy.
  • CISPA is so broad that “just about any online activity, including alleged piracy, could be considered a security threat,” reports Fortune.
  • “Andrew Couts of Digital Trends believes that although tech- and privacy-minded folk online are up in arms, opposition might not spread to the population at large in the same way opposition to SOPA and PIPA did,” explains the article. “Those bills threatened the very operation of the Internet, and were much bigger, or at least more direct, threats to free speech. Here, the issue is more about data privacy.”

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