Sharing One Frame at a Time: Videos and Photos Dominate Social Media

  • Global communications agency M Booth and analytics firm Simply Measured studied sharing patterns and interactions on Facebook and other social networks. The report found videos and photos are much more effective sharing tools than links or text.
  • The report indicates users share videos twelve times more often than text and links combined. The report also indicates users like photos twice as much as text posts.
  • Photographs also dominate Tumblr, as pictures represent 42 percent of all posts, while text, chats, quotes, videos and links constitute the rest.
  • The success of Instagram also lends credence to the importance of photographs in social media. Instagram is on pace to reach 100 million users in under four years, which would represent a record for social media growth.
  • As of February 2012, users share 700 YouTube videos per minute via Twitter.
  • The post includes a compelling infographic featuring additional statistics.

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