Slush Conference: Jolla Unveils MeeGo-Based Open Source Sailfish OS

  • Nokia spinoff Jolla has unveiled its open-source Sailfish operating system, which features a user interface that evolved from the ill-fated MeeGo platform. Nokia ditched MeeGo in favor of Windows Phone before it partnered with Microsoft.
  • Jolla CEO Marc Dillon and his team recently demonstrated the displays at the Slush startup conference in Helsinki.
  • The presentation did not include lot of new details and did not showcase any hardware. “Indeed, the team came on stage brandishing a range of development hardware, rather than the Jolla smartphone that will soon go on sale through giant Chinese distributor D.Phone,” notes GigaOM.
  • “In some ways — and I say this without denigrating the Sailfish UI — it brings together elements of both Windows Phone and Android,” reports GigaOM. “From the Windows Phone side, it seems to have borrowed the live tile concept for the homescreen, only it presents it in quite a different fashion. The app menu looks Android-ish, in my opinion, as does the dock at the bottom of the screen.”
  • The Finnish company hopes to port Sailfish into tablets, set-top boxes, TVs and smartphones.
  • The GigaOM post includes still images from the Helsinki presentation and a one-minute promotional video.

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