Smart and 3D: Samsung 55-inch OLED TV No Longer Merely a Prototype

  • Samsung has revealed the production-ready version of its 55-inch OLED television, the prototype for which initially debuted at CES in January.
  • At the World’s Fair in Korea, the company demonstrated the ES9500, expected to ship in Korea later this year for more than $9,000.
  • “Samsung has gone crazy with features that start with the word Smart,” reports Digital Trends. “We’ve got Smart Interaction, Smart Evolution and Smart Content, all of which can be found on other high-end Samsung TVs, and respectively refer to voice and gesture controls, an upgradeable dual-core processor and Samsung’s extensive range of online content and apps.”
  • “Now we’ve got Smart DualView, which allows two people to watch two different programs on the same screen at the same time, in full high definition too, by using special 3D glasses with wireless headphones attached,” adds the post.
  • LG also debuted a 55-inch OLED model at CES. Rumors suggest it could be introduced this month in the $8,000 range.

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