- Starbucks and Square have agreed to a $25 million deal to bring mobile payment solutions to Starbucks.
- The deal officially applies to 7,000 Starbucks stores, but TechCrunch suggests it could expand to allow Square to reach international markets, as Starbucks currently boasts 20,000 worldwide locations.
- TechCrunch speculates that other mobile payment options, such as Here from PayPal, will continue to push card-free payment on a global scale.
- “The consumer is going through a seismic change in which cash is eventually going to be obsolete,” notes Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz.
- “Pay with Square lets the company forge relationships directly with consumers rather than with merchants — and that means that whatever happens under the hood — whether it is about NFC or QR, or even if it decides to lift off the credit card platform to a different kind of financial instrument altogether — that customer relationship will remain, something that could be welcomed by a population that doesn’t really care about which technology does what,” explains the post.
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