Apple Vision Pro users disappointed by the Netflix webOS experience on the spatial computing wearable can now take advantage of the independently developed Supercut app, designed to enhance the streaming platform on Apple’s new headset, as well as to make Amazon Prime Video work better through a dedicated iPad app port. Created by Christian Privitelli, Supercut delivers the correct aspect ratio for each app, as well as eliminating black bars, and more. It also enables 4K streaming with Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos. Privitelli is working on a version for streaming platform Plex.
Privitelli announced on X that Supercut is now available on the App Store, with TechTimes reporting that he is positioning it as “the new ‘Streaming Hub’ for the Vision Pro wearable,” and offers a “glossy background” that is easier on the eyes, as well as a more “immersive experience.”
“Supercut offers playback controls — including subtitles, audio output, playback speed, and the ability to skip ahead or back a few seconds — plus the ability to switch between profiles on the fly,” writes The Verge, adding that “it even gives you a visual indicator telling you whether your video is outputting in one or both of the Dolby formats and what resolution you’re streaming at.”
Netflix said last year when the Vision Pro was announced that it had no immediate plans to create a native app for the platform — a not uncommon decision among content providers for Apple’s untested format. Users immediately began lamenting those decisions upon Apple’s February release of the device.
The Verge says Privitelli is “presenting Netflix in a web view, similar to that used by Christian Selig’s YouTube player, Juno. “It basically just overlays native UI on top of the website, and then modifies the website in a way to make it feel more at home on visionOS,” the developer tells The Verge.
Supercut’s “basic implementation of Amazon Prime Video, which does exist on the headset as an iPad app” is letterboxed, “like Netflix in a Safari window,” The Verge adds.
When Apple wouldn’t approve Supercut as a Netflix-only app, Privitelli decided to make it a streaming hub by adding an input box where users could enter the URL for other services, like YouTube.
Privitelli tells The Verge he is “working on an immersive cinema environment similar to the one in the Apple TV Plus app” that he hopes to include in the 1.2 version of Supercut. His immediate plans also include incorporating Plex, which makes its API publicly available.
“Other visionOS apps, such as Cinephile, offer Plex support, too,” notes The Verge.
TechTimes says Privitelli claims Supercut is “the only app on the visionOS” to support 4K, Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos.
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