Rob ScottAugust 19, 2013
Martin Scorsese’s World Cinema Foundation (WCF) has been restoring rare films since 2007. The public will benefit from these efforts when eight of the rescued films will be made available for the first time in the U.S. on Hulu, in a partnership with the Criterion Collection. The films will initially be offered for free with ads. After August 24, commercial-free WCF movies (and more than 800 Criterion titles) will be available only to paying Hulu Plus subscribers. Continue reading World Cinema Foundation Unveils Restored Films on Hulu Plus
Chris CastanedaJuly 29, 2013
Facebook’s growth in mobile advertising revenue contributed in part to a surprising second quarter return this year. The social network’s large user base and scalable mobile advertising platforms have become major attractions for advertisers. The company has been taking advertisers more seriously in ad platform development and is working closely with them to understand their needs. As a result, advertisers are becoming more comfortable with Facebook. Continue reading Facebook Mobile Development More Attractive to Advertisers
Chris CastanedaJuly 24, 2013
While an official Google event is scheduled for today that may or may not include tablet news, a new Nexus 7 is rumored to be offered at Best Buy beginning July 30th. The leaked Best Buy flyer reveals updated hardware, with a 1920 x 1200 high definition display, 16GB of storage, and a price of $229. If true, Google will offer a seven-inch HD tablet ahead of Apple. The current iPad mini does not have a high-definition screen and has a starting retail price tag of $329. Continue reading New Nexus 7 with Android 4.3 to Be Available by Next Week
Netflix is launching its much anticipated reboot of Fox comedy “Arrested Development” on Sunday. According to social analytics firm NetBase, the show has already generated more than 170,000 social mentions since April 26 (a month before its return), essentially tripling the early social buzz of Netflix series “House of Cards.” However, it’s worth noting that “Arrested Development” has the benefit of being a critically acclaimed show and cult favorite with a rabid fan base. Continue reading Netflix: Arrested Development Return Generates Social Buzz
Rob ScottApril 25, 2013
Beverage giant Coca-Cola has unveiled its multi-year initiative called “The AHH Effect,” produced with ad agency partner Wieden+Kennedy. The campaign will leverage the trend of mobile becoming a first screen for younger demographics and eventually plans to include dozens of digital games and other “snackable” digital experiences. The initiative also marks the first all-digital campaign for the company and a new approach to marketing. Continue reading Coca-Cola Goes All Digital with Focus on Teens and Mobile
emeadowsApril 19, 2013
If its large asking price is met, Facebook could turn its anticipated video-ad units into a more-than-$4 million daily business right from the start. While all the details are not yet finalized, Facebook has been trying to sell agencies on the idea, attempting to secure accounts for the first slots which are to be available in June or July, according to executives. While the price tag is a concern, there is also a question regarding the possible backlash from users. Continue reading Facebook Pursues Agencies to Launch Video-Ad Business