Amazon Set-Top Box Launch Likely Delayed Past the Holidays

Amazon is the largest online retailer, bookstore, and Web hosting company in the world — among other things — and now it’s rushing the production of its newest device, a set-top box intended to compete with online video streaming devices for television such as Roku. But despite its efforts to get the new product out on shelves in time for the holiday shopping season, the device will now likely be delayed past then, missing out on potential holiday sales. Continue reading Amazon Set-Top Box Launch Likely Delayed Past the Holidays

Retail: Amazon Pursues Cheaper Goods and Faster Shipping

Earlier this week, we reported that Amazon may be expanding its AmazonFresh service to the New York City area. Amazon has more than 209 million active users that purchase all type of products, from TVs to pet food, and the company has expanded its services and processing centers in order to build loyalty and become a single source for all shopping needs. Its strategy has led to a growing customer base and significant increases in sales. Continue reading Retail: Amazon Pursues Cheaper Goods and Faster Shipping

Amazon May Expand Same Day as Competitors Lower Prices

Amazon may be launching AmazonFresh, its same-day grocery and local product delivery service, into the New York City area. AmazonFresh is currently available in Los Angeles and Seattle. This potential move may be a first step toward extending same-day delivery and leveraging the company’s extensive distribution network for future expansion. But as the company grows its reach, brick-and-mortar retailers are challenging Amazon on prices, offering the same or even lower rates. Continue reading Amazon May Expand Same Day as Competitors Lower Prices

Viewer Data Used to Shape Netflix Content and Experience

Netflix’s use of data helps determine what its customers want to watch and how they want it presented. The company’s newest original show, “Orange Is the New Black,” is partially the result of analyzing viewer data. Netflix is using all types of collected viewer data in order to create content and to possibly shape the user experience. Viewer data is collected from multiple sources: Netflix, third party metadata and social media. Continue reading Viewer Data Used to Shape Netflix Content and Experience

Tech and Pay TV Companies Are Changing How We Watch TV

Intel is one of many companies currently developing home entertainment technologies that could significantly change how viewers interact with TV. Tech companies are integrating advanced features and controls in TV connected devices, from voice activation, DVR and cloud storage sync. Other companies such as cable providers and manufacturers are also introducing advanced TV technologies as well. However, obstacles will come from content licensing. Continue reading Tech and Pay TV Companies Are Changing How We Watch TV

Machinima Moves Closer to Becoming Online Pay TV Service

Machinima is the latest Internet company to attempt to launch an online TV video service. The company is looking to develop and license content, and operate as an over-the-top video subscription service, bypassing traditional pay TV providers. In 2012, Google led a round of investment with $35 million. Machinima is attempting to raise additional funds, and has recently started talks with studios for producing original content. Continue reading Machinima Moves Closer to Becoming Online Pay TV Service

Netflix Spending More On Content While Dropping Content

Netflix’s stock value has increased 178 percent during 2013, one of the best performing companies on the S&P 500 index. In order to maintain its edge, Netflix may need to be more like Amazon than HBO, with more of a focus on spending than a fixation on profit growth. But Netflix’s practice of dropping unpopular content may give competitor Amazon a new opportunity to secure exclusive rights to additional programming and gain ground over Netflix. Continue reading Netflix Spending More On Content While Dropping Content

Q1 Report: Netflix Leads SVOD, But Viewers Trying Others

The NPD Group has released its Q1 2013 figures for streaming video-on-demand and, not surprisingly, Netflix is still in the lead. However, more consumers are trying alternatives as Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime experienced gains. According to NPD’s VideoWatch VOD report, the number of viewers watching TV shows using SVOD services increased 34 percent, compared to Q1 2012. Netflix dominated at 90 percent, although 4 points lower than last year. Continue reading Q1 Report: Netflix Leads SVOD, But Viewers Trying Others

Amazon AutoRip Service Updated to Include Vinyl Records

Amazon already offers its AutoRip service, which began in January and provides free digital copies of purchased physical CDs. The company has just announced an extension of that service to include purchased vinyl records from Amazon dating back to 1998. For every vinyl purchase, Amazon will provide MP3 versions to the consumer’s Cloud Player immediately and for free. Every major record label is represented on AutoRip. Continue reading Amazon AutoRip Service Updated to Include Vinyl Records

Review: Streaming Roku 3 Features Notable Improvements

In its review of the Roku 3 set-top box, Ars Technica remarks that the company has had success thus far due to its content partnerships and overall high standards for what should be offered in a streaming box, providing customers with a variety of choices. With the $99.99 Roku 3, the company offers an affordable, feature-filled streaming device, which Roku describes as the “most powerful, responsive streaming box” it has built so far. Continue reading Review: Streaming Roku 3 Features Notable Improvements

Zombieland: Amazon Announces Original Comedy Series

As part of its new initiative to offer original content, Amazon has announced production of a comedy series based on the Columbia Pictures film “Zombieland.” The series will have the same name and will be available for free to subscribers of Amazon Instant Video and LOVEFiLM. This marks the seventh original comedy series added to the new lineup from Amazon Studios, which will also feature six pilots for children. Continue reading Zombieland: Amazon Announces Original Comedy Series

Should Nielsen Change How it Measures TV Audiences?

When the fourth season of NBC’s “Community” aired in February, it pulled in 4 million viewers, which is roughly a quarter of the audience that tunes in to top hit sitcoms. Until recently, Nielsen numbers in that range might be the end of a series (think “Firefly,” “Jericho,” “Freaks and Geeks”). But on the night of the “Community” premiere, the show spawned two worldwide trending topics via Twitter — perhaps a more important metric today. Continue reading Should Nielsen Change How it Measures TV Audiences?

Viewers to Determine the Fate of Amazon Original Pilots

In the battle to capitalize on the growing mobile content market, and the trend toward original online video, Amazon has commissioned a series of big-budget, Web-only shows — starring actors such as John Goodman and Bill Murray — in order to compete with Netflix and others for attention on smartphones, tablets and connected TVs. The company is producing at least 11 pilots to be made available starting this spring. Continue reading Viewers to Determine the Fate of Amazon Original Pilots

Will Google Shopping Express Compete with Amazon Prime?

Google has begun testing its own e-commerce site called “Google Shopping Express,” with same-day delivery from stores like Target, Walgreens and Walmart. The site is expected to offer a $64 annual deal, compared to competitor Amazon Prime’s $79 service. Google’s Tom Fallows, an e-commerce product manager, is reportedly running the project, and the company is currently working with personal delivery and online services. Continue reading Will Google Shopping Express Compete with Amazon Prime?

Viki to Expand Reach with Amazon Prime Instant Partnership

Viki is “the Hulu for the rest of the world,” according to the company’s CEO Razmig Hovaghimian. It takes content from all over the globe, licenses it for cheap and brings it to the U.S. and other countries. The company announced a partnership with Amazon that will add more than 1,000 hours of entertainment from Japan and Korea to Amazon’s Prime Instant service. Continue reading Viki to Expand Reach with Amazon Prime Instant Partnership