Google Quietly Tests Car-Shopping Service in California

Google is getting closer to becoming a jack-of-all-trades as the company takes on another role: car-shopping service. With its new approach (being tested in Northern California), search pages related to vehicles will include a Google link that offers details on local car dealerships by vehicle I.D. and sticker prices. However, by current law, Google is not allowed to make any profit on the car dealership transactions. Continue reading Google Quietly Tests Car-Shopping Service in California

Engineer Imagines Industry Shift Toward 3D Printing Cars

According to engineer Jim Kor’s vision of the car-manufacturing future, 3D printing will play an important, even dominant role. Kor has engineered the Urbee 2, which could revolutionize parts manufacturing while creating an industry of small-batch automakers hoping to challenge the status quo. Kor’s goal for Urbee is to maximize miles per gallon with lightweight construction based on 3D printing. Continue reading Engineer Imagines Industry Shift Toward 3D Printing Cars

CES: Connected Cars Serve as the Ultimate Mobile Devices

Automotive technology was a major theme at the 2013 International CES earlier this month as companies embraced cars as the ultimate mobile devices. “CES is a hardware show stuck in a software world, a point driven home in the automotive booths filling the North Hall,” notes Wired. “There were apps, apps and more apps.” The article highlights eight top products that largely focus on in-car entertainment and navigation. Continue reading CES: Connected Cars Serve as the Ultimate Mobile Devices

CES 2013: Cars to Become More Connected and Conversational

Just as phones and TV have become “smart,” the latest generation of cars are much more digitally enhanced to keep drivers connected and keep their eyes on the road with a variety of hands-free voice controls and wireless offerings. From Ford’s SYNC interface to Hyundai’s Blue Link to Chrysler’s Uconnect, car manufacturers are upping the ante with displays and concepts at CES, expanding infotainment, connectivity and security. Continue reading CES 2013: Cars to Become More Connected and Conversational

CES 2013: Kenwood Expands Wi-Fi Connectivity in the Car

Pushing forward its goal to “Live Connected, Drive Connected,” Kenwood demonstrated in-dash Wi-Fi-embedded connected receivers, which leverage Wi-Fi-enabled smartphones or mobile hotspots to bring content from the Internet, the cloud and connected devices to your car’s dash. The Excelon DNN990HD system uses text-to-speech and speech-to-text technology to enable hands free operation of email, Twitter and Facebook. Continue reading CES 2013: Kenwood Expands Wi-Fi Connectivity in the Car

CES 2013: Audi Unveils Piloted Driving for Traffic Jams

While Google and Lexus work on driverless cars, Audi set up its “Piloted Driving” simulator at CES, a technology it expects to roll out by the end of 2020. Unlike competitors with bulky sensor equipment, Audi’s system looks like a normal car and still requires a driver. The company also featured new high-beam headlight technology that won’t blind pedestrians and oncoming traffic. Continue reading CES 2013: Audi Unveils Piloted Driving for Traffic Jams

CES 2013: Automakers Drive to New Heights in Las Vegas

The car is undergoing a transformation from humble hardware device to cloud-connected smart room that will soon be driving itself. Speaking at the Samsung keynote, President Bill Clinton described getting into a staff member’s Ford and being invited to ask it something. “I asked ‘Where is the nearest Chinese restaurant, and I immediately got a list, a map and GPS directions. I didn’t know that about the Ford! Driving has become a high-tech experience,” said Clinton. Continue reading CES 2013: Automakers Drive to New Heights in Las Vegas