Instagram to Begin Experimenting with Advertising Service

Since March, Emily White has been leading a team to develop a paid advertising program for Instagram. The photo-sharing service has been ad-free since the start, and may risk losing users when it adopts advertisements, especially from its large, young user base. White is working to establish relationships with brands, and to expand Instagram as a brand marketing platform. Yet it is unclear how advertisers and brands will pay for a service they use for free. Continue reading Instagram to Begin Experimenting with Advertising Service

Vine Marketing: Airbnb Launches Video Crowdsourcing Campaign

The Airbnb travel accommodations website teamed with ad agency Mullen San Francisco to launch a new experiment in Vine marketing this past week. The “Hollywood & Vines” campaign will result in a short film composed of six-second Vine videos submitted by consumers. Shooting days ran August 22-25, with assigned shots posted hourly. “If your Vine is selected it will be featured on the Sundance Channel and you’ll receive a $100 Airbnb coupon,” explains the campaign’s site. Continue reading Vine Marketing: Airbnb Launches Video Crowdsourcing Campaign

Apple Outlines Advertising Strategy for iTunes Radio Partners

Apple plans to launch iTunes Radio next month along with brand partners including McDonald’s, Nissan, Pepsi, Procter and Gamble, and possibly others. Apple’s new offering plans to compete with current streaming radio services such as Pandora. While the launch partners will benefit from exclusivity until the end of 2013, iTunes Radio will later be available to other advertisers. Apple also hopes to generate revenue by providing users with the option to purchase songs played via the service. Continue reading Apple Outlines Advertising Strategy for iTunes Radio Partners

Yahoo Edges Out Google in U.S. Internet Traffic During July

According to comScore’s monthly ranking of the top 50 U.S. Web properties, Yahoo sites stole Google’s lead in July with 196,564,000 unique visitors. Google sites, which have led in Internet traffic for the past two years, came in a close second for the month, with 192,251,000 visitors. Yahoo’s recent jump in traffic follows the company’s $1.1 billion acquisition of Tumblr in May. Yahoo has not found itself in comScore’s top position since May of 2011. Continue reading Yahoo Edges Out Google in U.S. Internet Traffic During July

Hulu Changes Focus To Original Series with ‘The Awesomes’

Hulu is focusing on its own original programming with “The Awesomes,” the video service’s first animated series and first original show this year. This marks a change of direction for the company, which was until recently entertaining bids for acquisition. Its emphasis on original programming reflects its new intention to compete with services such as Netflix and Amazon. Hulu will also join with sponsors to make new, brand integrated shows in order to generate advertising revenue. Continue reading Hulu Changes Focus To Original Series with ‘The Awesomes’

Vine Videos Shared via Twitter Nearly Double in Two Months

According to a new study from social video tech firm Unruly Media, six-second Vine videos have experienced a massive popularity spike. The study indicates that nine videos are being posted to Twitter every second, up from five per second in April. The new numbers arrive shortly after Facebook’s Instagram announced the launch of its own short video service. Some have speculated that the move could impact Vine, which is owned by Twitter. Continue reading Vine Videos Shared via Twitter Nearly Double in Two Months

CineEurope 2013: RealD Rolls Out LUXE Large Format Plans

RealD is launching a new large format brand, LUXE: A RealD Experience, with hopes of becoming the standard for premium 2D and 3D cinemas across Europe. The cinema technology company presented its LUXE initiative to exhibitors at CineEurope in Barcelona on Monday. The new packaging of LUXE technology standards for screen size, brightness, sound and seating could become a competitor to large format exhibitor IMAX. Continue reading CineEurope 2013: RealD Rolls Out LUXE Large Format Plans

Facebook Borrows from Twitter Ad Playbook with Hashtags

Last week, Facebook officially unveiled hashtags to its social platform, following months of speculation. Hashtags are immensely popular on Twitter, while gaining momentum on other social services such as Google+ and Instagram. The move could have significant implications regarding advertising potential and search engine optimization. Facebook is already encouraging brands to start including hashtags in their Facebook ads.  Continue reading Facebook Borrows from Twitter Ad Playbook with Hashtags