Windows 8 Public Beta Slated for Early 2012: Will We See a CES Demo?

  • Sources close to Microsoft have told The Next Web that the company’s Windows 8 beta will be released in late February.
  • However, WinRumors says the release may be ready one month earlier, and is expected to make its debut at January’s CES.
  • “Recently leaked screenshots indicate that Microsoft will allow users to change the Start Screen color and the Start Screen background image in beta copies of Windows 8,” reports WinRumors. “Users will be able to create, name and rearrange Start Screen groups as well as navigate with the Windows 8 Apps screen in a better way. Microsoft is planning to group applications to make it easier for users to identify them in Windows 8 beta. Windows Media Center will also return to Windows 8 beta alongside the typical Windows games, DVD creator and .NET 3.5.”
  • In a related post by The Verge, a preview of MS Office 15 is also expected for CES: “The update is supposed to have a redesigned touch-friendly interface and a Metro Style hub for navigating to documents — we’d expect to find cues from the Metro style UI throughout the software to make it more usable with Windows 8 on a tablet.”
  • The rumor mill is also dropping hints of new Windows 8 devices. Nokia already announced it would have a Windows 8 tablet ready by June.

2012 CES Content Preview: Entertainment Matters

Entertainment Matters at CES (EM), currently in its second year, is an International CES program created specifically for the Hollywood and entertainment community.  EM includes On the Floor, which targets relevant exhibits for content and entertainment professionals; Keynotes and Panels that address key trends, technologies, media and branding; the Red Carpet Program, an exclusive, invitation-only VIP program to CES; and Next Generation, a custom experience for tomorrow’s entertainment media leaders.  Sponsored by Variety and Ericsson, EM is a tailored connection to partnerships and innovations at the world’s largest consumer electronics tradeshow, the 2012 International CES® (January 10-13 in Las Vegas).


DTS, Technicolor, LG, Sony and ESPN 3D are just a few of the more than 2,700 leading tech companies exhibiting at CES On the Floor – from global giants to emerging startups – unveiling innovative new products and services and showcasing the collaboration between content creators and CE manufacturers.


The Red Carpet Program is an insider’s view of global technology and content, and access to potential business opportunities.  It is an invitation-only VIP program open to select executives, directors, producers and talent (contact:  Red Carpet benefits include:

  • Free access to the CES show floor
  • Access to private Red Carpet Lounge on the show floor (LVCC, North Hall)
  • Preshow and on-site service, including a dedicated hotline
  • Priority VIP passes to Keynote Addresses*
  • 20% discount on Entertainment Matters Conference Pass
  • Customized guided tours of show floor*
  • Access to exclusive VIP parties and special events*
*Space is limited.


For Hollywood’s Next Generation leaders, EM provides a custom experience designed to introduce this highly networked and influential community to the CES experience.  The program targets tomorrow’s studio chiefs, content producers, leading actors, agents and attorneys (contact:  Next Generation benefits include:


  • Free access to the CES show floor
  • Curated/guided tour of the show floor*
  • Free access to select Entertainment Matters Conference Sessions
  • 20% discount on full Entertainment Matters Conference Pass
  • Access to invite-only Thursday evening event
* Space is limited.


Entertainment Matters also includes the International Academy of Web Television’s inaugural IAWTV Awards; the Technology & Engineering Emmy® Awards; various TechZones such as 3D@Home, Access on the Go, iLounge Pavilion and Mobile DTV; the Official Entertainment Matters Party at LAVO; and Conference Tracks that should be of particular interest to entertainment professionals, such as Tweet House Presents: Social Media Success Stories, The Reinvention of an Industry: Entertainment Everywhere, Games Summit at CES and Digital Hollywood.


Additionally, CES provides relevant news updates twice a week with the Entertainment Matters Digital Content SmartBrief (EM SmartBrief), covering news essential to the digital entertainment industry (to subscribe:


Click here to register for Entertainment Matters.  Use priority code EM13 and receive free registration and a 20% discount on the Entertainment Matters Conference Pass.  (You must be a working professional in the content and entertainment industry.)