Phil LelyveldApril 21, 2016
“Being There – Virtual Reality News and Documentaries” was the title of a panel on VR journalism at the NAB Show in Las Vegas. Panelists included senior journalists from Sky, RYOT, Condition One, and USA Today Network, as well as one of Google’s lead VR evangelists. Lessons learned include the importance of proximity (e.g. close-ups), making sure that everyone on the team has experience with the key steps in the workflow so they understand the process and can fill in for others, and the need to experiment and fail. The panelists hope that post-production tools improve soon so a greater portion of their time can be spent planning and shooting stories. Continue reading NAB Panel Addresses Impact of VR on News, Documentaries
Meghan CoyleJune 30, 2014
The most recent Virtual Reality Los Angeles (VRLA) meetup showcased several compelling techniques that researchers and game developers are using to create new content for consumer VR headsets, such as the Oculus Rift. One demo, for example, utilized the “change blindness” technique to make users feel as if they were walking through multiple rooms even though there was limited physical space. Some of the featured tech may soon be used for movies, military training and tourism. Continue reading Innovative Demos Engage Attendees at June’s VRLA Meetup
emeadowsFebruary 13, 2013
Condition One, the augmented reality app backed by Mark Cuban that lets users view videos from a 180-degree field of vision, just released its version 2.0 and Business Insider is “more impressed than ever.” The company, led by Academy Award nominated storyteller Danfung Dennis, launched an updated version that is “filled with cool new ways to watch video, particularly full high-def videos filmed with GoPro or RED epic cameras,” according to the article. Continue reading Condition One Releases Version 2.0 App for Interactive Video