Canadian Exhibitor Bundles Movie Admission and Home Video

Canadian movie exhibitor Cineplex launched its SuperTicket service this summer that bundles admission to a theater screening with a digital copy of the same film, delivered electronically months later. The package costs more than twice as much as a ticket to see the movie in a theater. The company experimented with SuperTicket deals for three films: “The Smurfs 2,” “Pacific Rim,” and “Kick-Ass 2.” While the approach could be a remedy for declining DVD sales, it remains unclear whether fans will pay in advance for a digital copy. Continue reading Canadian Exhibitor Bundles Movie Admission and Home Video

SnapStream DVR Records Multiple Channels and Shares Clips

Houston-based SnapStream offers a line of DVR devices that are highly scalable and can go well beyond consumer DVR functionality. These devices have the ability to use 30+ channels to record a large collection of TV programming simultaneously, create clips and share via the cloud. SnapStream products are being used in the media industry in addition to other non-media industries that have a need to record and catalog video — for example: government, schools and the military. Continue reading SnapStream DVR Records Multiple Channels and Shares Clips

New Ericsson Report Examines Consumer Video and TV Habits

Ericsson has published its latest consumer insight summary report, “TV and Media: Identifying the Needs of Tomorrow’s Video Consumers.” The ConsumerLab surveyed more than 17,000 people worldwide and, not surprisingly, learned that an increasing number of viewers are turning to mobile devices for TV and video. The report suggests that service providers have an opportunity to create new aggregate services that will help alleviate the complexity for users that has resulted from abundance of choice. Continue reading New Ericsson Report Examines Consumer Video and TV Habits

Google May Use Glass to Track Consumer Reactions to Ads

Recently discovered patent information suggests that Google may begin using Google Glass to track consumers’ reactions to advertisements. Glass can identify an ad and judge a person’s response by monitoring pupil dilation. This technology could help Google develop a “pay per gaze” system where advertisers get charged each time an ad is viewed through Glass. However, recent reports have indicated that personal data collected from Google Glass apps would not be sold for advertising or marketing purposes. Continue reading Google May Use Glass to Track Consumer Reactions to Ads

New FTC Chair Warns Companies About Consumer Data Privacy

The new chair of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, Edith Ramirez, says that the agency will pursue a more active role in policing companies that gather large amounts of data, and that the FTC will not hesitate to sue for privacy and security violations. Ramirez wants more transparency from companies that collect consumer data, as well as to keep this data anonymous. Ramirez did not provide specifics regarding how the FTC will enforce data protection guidelines. Continue reading New FTC Chair Warns Companies About Consumer Data Privacy

Intel Makes its Case: There is No Better Time to Buy a PC

In a survey conducted by Intel, it was revealed that 97 percent of participants consider their PC to be their primary computing device. The survey also found that participants consider their PCs to be vital to their daily existence, and of the 43 hours per week spent on computing devices, about half of that time is spent in front of a PC. Intel suggests that it may be the perfect time to buy a new PC, and despite competition from tablets, the PC is not a thing of the past. Continue reading Intel Makes its Case: There is No Better Time to Buy a PC

People to Spend More Time with Digital Media Than TV in 2013

According to a new report from eMarketer estimating the media consumption of adults in the U.S., the average amount of time spent with digital media per day will surpass television viewing for the first time this year. This is due largely to the shift in smartphone and tablet usage now that most consumers lead increasingly mobile lives. Since 2010, mobile activity has grown from a mere 24 minutes per day on average to 2 hours and 21 minutes per day. Continue reading People to Spend More Time with Digital Media Than TV in 2013

Code of Conduct to Disclose What Data Mobile Apps Collect

A group of app developers, consumer advocates and others are agreeing to test a voluntary code of conduct for data privacy for mobile apps. The code would set requirements for participating developers to release notices regarding whether their apps collect certain types of personal information or share user specific data with third party groups or data resellers. The Obama administration favors consumer privacy laws, but has yet to release additional details. Continue reading Code of Conduct to Disclose What Data Mobile Apps Collect

Big Data: Retailers Experiment Tracking Shoppers In-Store

Nordstrom recently tested new technology in their stores in order to learn more about their customers. The system tracked customers’ movements by following their smartphone Wi-Fi signals while in the store. Nordstrom’s system is similar to what online retailers do to track customers’ online movements. Nordstrom is one of many retailers that are using in-store tracking and monitoring technologies, yet there are concerns of privacy. Continue reading Big Data: Retailers Experiment Tracking Shoppers In-Store

Shift in Consumer Demand: Should Studios Emulate Pirates?

Hollywood studios are reexamining traditional distribution models in an era of piracy enabled by digital technologies. Today’s media savvy consumers have evolving expectations regarding how they discover and share music, video content and games, thanks in part to new cloud-based technologies, streaming media services and sophisticated social tools. Some media companies are even considering the idea that models popular with pirates are worth imitating. Continue reading Shift in Consumer Demand: Should Studios Emulate Pirates?

FTC Issues Warnings to Firms that Share Consumer Info

The Federal Trade Commission sent warning letters earlier this week to 10 data brokerage firms. The agency warned the firms that the gathering and selling of consumer information could be in violation of federal privacy laws. The new letters follow last month’s action by the FTC when it issued similar warnings to six companies who offered to share tenants’ rental histories with landlords. Continue reading FTC Issues Warnings to Firms that Share Consumer Info

Wearable Technology: Smart Watches and Other Notable Trends

As wireless technology advances and smaller devices become more powerful, wearable technology has begun to expand beyond niche markets into more mainstream applications. Christian Lindholm of design firm Koru expects the trend of wearable technology in 2013 and highlights the products he thinks will make the largest splashes, including watches, sensors and glasses. Continue reading Wearable Technology: Smart Watches and Other Notable Trends