CBS Introduces Streaming Network for Entertainment News

CBS launched its latest streaming network this week, as part of its strategy to reach younger viewers who are losing interest in traditional pay TV. The free ET Live channel, developed by CBS Interactive and “Entertainment Tonight,” will offer a wide array of entertainment news and related original programming via CBS All Access and, in addition to its own standalone app for Android, iOS, Apple TV and Amazon Fire TV (integration with more platforms is expected in the future). CBS recently rolled out a number of streaming services as part of its CBS Local brand. Continue reading CBS Introduces Streaming Network for Entertainment News

Young Hollywood Targeting Millennials with Apple TV Channel

Young Hollywood, a company best known for producing celebrity interviews, recently launched a new linear TV network available exclusively as an Apple TV channel. The programmed network will be scheduled and operated much like a traditional television network. Young Hollywood has partnered with Subway, and plans to run Subway-branded content prior to each program. The company believes a programmed network on Apple TV is the best way to address the viewership trends of younger audiences. Continue reading Young Hollywood Targeting Millennials with Apple TV Channel