HPA Tech Retreat Looks at Approaching Tipping Point in Media

The annual HPA Tech Retreat opened in Indian Wells, California, near Palm Springs. The sold-out event hosts 600 executives and technologists in broadcast, cable, digital and feature film industries. In addition to an “Innovation Zone,” the new term for the former demo room, the HPA Tech Retreat is known for its days-long series of lectures and panels, all of which are a deep dive into technology. All of Tuesday was devoted to a single topic: Snowflake Workflows are Turning into Distribution Snowstorms! Continue reading HPA Tech Retreat Looks at Approaching Tipping Point in Media

Google Unveils Glass Partnership with Notable Film Schools

Google has announced its plans for the Glass Creative Collective, a new partnership with film and design schools including USC, AFI, UCLA, CalArts and RISD. In an effort to help students and aspiring filmmakers become comfortable with Google Glass features such as the voice-activated interface and built-in video cameras, the company is loaning each of the schools three sets of the $1,500 Glass device for the upcoming semester. The goal is for students to start experimenting with more immersive forms of entertainment. Continue reading Google Unveils Glass Partnership with Notable Film Schools