Amazon Wheels Out Robots to Meet Holiday Shipping Demands

Two years ago, Amazon acquired robot manufacturer Kiva Systems for $775 million. The orange, wheeled robots have been used by a number of retailers in warehouses across the country. In an effort to improve efficiency, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has announced plans to deploy thousands of these robots across Amazon warehouses. The robot army is designed to bring stocked shelves to employees, reducing the time workers would have spent looking for items on their own.  Continue reading Amazon Wheels Out Robots to Meet Holiday Shipping Demands

Holiday Shopping Takes a Mobile Turn, Companies Respond

Cyber Monday, one of the busiest online commerce days of the year, is now extending to the rest of the holiday season. Consumers are no longer waiting until the Monday after Thanksgiving to surf the Web for deals. Rather, utilizing their tablets and smartphones, consumers are shopping online for a longer stretch. This is forcing companies like Amazon and eBay to compete with retailers to attract online buyers both before and after Cyber Monday. Continue reading Holiday Shopping Takes a Mobile Turn, Companies Respond

Amazon Set-Top Box Launch Likely Delayed Past the Holidays

Amazon is the largest online retailer, bookstore, and Web hosting company in the world — among other things — and now it’s rushing the production of its newest device, a set-top box intended to compete with online video streaming devices for television such as Roku. But despite its efforts to get the new product out on shelves in time for the holiday shopping season, the device will now likely be delayed past then, missing out on potential holiday sales. Continue reading Amazon Set-Top Box Launch Likely Delayed Past the Holidays

Happy Holidays from the ETCentric Publishing Team

  • We’ve had a spectacular year at ETCentric and thank everyone in our community for your ongoing participation, generous support and helpful feedback.
  • ETCentric will not publish next week in order to migrate content to our new site and prepare for the Consumer Electronics Show. If there is any breaking news in the interim, we’ll be sure to provide you with an update.
  • In the meanwhile, we wish you and your families a joyous holiday season.
  • The new ETCentric site and The Daily Bullet email alert will return on January 2nd with an exciting redesign just in time for our live CES reporting from Las Vegas, January 7-11.
  • We look forward to providing you with the latest media tech news and opinion in 2013.