Netflix Explores Podcasts in Push for Creator-Driven Content

Netflix is thinking about adding video podcasts as an inexpensive way to expand program offerings and boost engagement. The streamer has reportedly been in discussions with agencies in recent months, exploring talent to host talk-based video podcast shows. Netflix execs had previously considered the format but were skeptical it could work on the platform. Having witnessed YouTube’s explosive growth on television screens, which have surpassed mobile and desktop in terms of viewing hours, podcasts are now getting a second look as an entry point to creator-driven content. Continue reading Netflix Explores Podcasts in Push for Creator-Driven Content

News Apps Review: Comparing Facebook Paper with Flipboard

The growing flood of news delivered via the Internet has created a dilemma for readers: how to efficiently sift through the never-ending treadmill of information. Facebook’s new Paper app and the newly updated media-reading app Flipboard are both trying to leverage the effectiveness of a traditional newspaper teamed with the convenient functionality of a smartphone app. According to one review, Paper helps provide a broad view of the news, while Flipboard is easier to personalize. Continue reading News Apps Review: Comparing Facebook Paper with Flipboard