Tech Firms Join Pixar in Group Promoting OpenUSD Standard

Led by Pixar Animation Studios, a consortium of tech companies has formed the Alliance for OpenUSD to promote an open 3D computer graphics standard for the metaverse and other 3D projects. Adobe, Apple, Autodesk and Nvidia are also founding members along with the Linux Foundation’s Joint Development Foundation. The group will promote the development and standardization of Pixar’s Universal Scene Description tech, a 3D platform that is interoperable across a variety of tools, data and workflows. The goal is to make it easier to describe, compose and simulate large-scale 3D imaging projects and services across industries and platforms worldwide. Continue reading Tech Firms Join Pixar in Group Promoting OpenUSD Standard

Cryptographic C2PA Protocol Pursues Labeling of AI Content

Launched two years ago, C2PA is an open-source Internet protocol that cryptographically encodes origin metadata into content. The protocol, a more secure form of watermarking, is being put forth as a way of disclosing when material has been created wholly or in part using artificial intelligence, something the White House has said it wants companies to do. Impending European Union regulations will also mandate that some tech platforms label images, audio, and video generated by artificial intelligence using “prominent markings.” More than 1,500 companies are involved with C2PA through the Content Authenticity Initiative, making it a viable solution. Continue reading Cryptographic C2PA Protocol Pursues Labeling of AI Content