Debra KaufmanDecember 23, 2016
With tighter integration between Twitter and Periscope, updated iOS and Android Twitter apps now feature a “LIVE” button on the screen that activates the camera and starts live video. Since Twitter acquired Periscope early last year, it enabled Periscope broadcasts within the Twitter stream, introduced a way to alert a Twitter user when someone you followed began live streaming, and debuted high-end tools for streaming to Twitter from professional cameras and VR headsets. The company is also introducing a pared down version of its previously shuttered Vine. Continue reading Twitter Debuts Live Video From Mobile Apps, Pares Down Vine
Debra KaufmanFebruary 23, 2016
Slated for release in Q2 2016, Samsung’s new Gear 360 is a compact camera with two lenses designed to capture 360-video for its Samsung Gear VR viewing system. At 153 grams, the Gear 360 is one gram lighter than the new Galaxy S7 and includes a pair of microphones for audio capture, a microSD slot for memory expansion up to 128GB, and a removable battery for up to 140 minutes of active use. Unlike the Project Beyond 360-camera, with 16 HD cameras, demonstrated in late 2014, the Gear 360 appears to be aimed at consumer use. Continue reading Samsung Demos Gear 360 Camera for Virtual Reality Capture
Rob ScottApril 3, 2013
Twitter released an updated version of its free Vine app last week that provides users with mobile-to-Web capabilities and allows them to embed Vine looping videos into social tools such as tweets and Facebook updates. Before the Version 1.0.7 update, users had to rely on third party tools like Vineit, which could only grab the videos via a desktop browser. Now the process is possible through the app and via mobile devices. Continue reading Vine App Update Includes Ability to Embed Looping Videos