Fandango to Acquire Hollywood Movie Money in Quantum Deal

Online movie ticket service Fandango has entered an agreement to purchase Quantum Loyalty Solutions, a competitor that runs the popular Hollywood Movie Money gift certificate system. Studios often use Hollywood Movie Money to promote DVD and Blu-ray releases with tickets to theatrical releases. Fandango, which has been working on its own voucher system, generates revenue by processing online ticket sales and selling advertising on its site. Continue reading Fandango to Acquire Hollywood Movie Money in Quantum Deal

TV Advertising Feels the Heat of Video Ads on Mobile Devices

A recent study from IPG Media Lab and digital advertiser YuMe indicates that consumers remember ads better after viewing them on tablets as compared to smartphones, PCs or TVs. The study suggests that the improved ad recall is because viewers tend to watch videos on tablets when they’re at home and they do not multitask the way they do when watching TV. In an unrelated poll of ad execs, IAB found that a majority plan to shift their budgets from TV to digital video ads. Continue reading TV Advertising Feels the Heat of Video Ads on Mobile Devices

Twitter May Be Increasing Viewership for Live TV Broadcasts

Twitter may be responsible for increasing viewership of live broadcast events. The company contends that significant Twitter activity drives buzz, which increases viewership. MTV’s recent Video Music Awards drew 10.1 million viewers, while more than 300,000 tweets per minute were recorded during the Miley Cyrus performance alone. While Facebook also generates social chatter about TV broadcasts, it does not always reach people as the show airs. Continue reading Twitter May Be Increasing Viewership for Live TV Broadcasts

Vine Marketing: Airbnb Launches Video Crowdsourcing Campaign

The Airbnb travel accommodations website teamed with ad agency Mullen San Francisco to launch a new experiment in Vine marketing this past week. The “Hollywood & Vines” campaign will result in a short film composed of six-second Vine videos submitted by consumers. Shooting days ran August 22-25, with assigned shots posted hourly. “If your Vine is selected it will be featured on the Sundance Channel and you’ll receive a $100 Airbnb coupon,” explains the campaign’s site. Continue reading Vine Marketing: Airbnb Launches Video Crowdsourcing Campaign

Apple Outlines Advertising Strategy for iTunes Radio Partners

Apple plans to launch iTunes Radio next month along with brand partners including McDonald’s, Nissan, Pepsi, Procter and Gamble, and possibly others. Apple’s new offering plans to compete with current streaming radio services such as Pandora. While the launch partners will benefit from exclusivity until the end of 2013, iTunes Radio will later be available to other advertisers. Apple also hopes to generate revenue by providing users with the option to purchase songs played via the service. Continue reading Apple Outlines Advertising Strategy for iTunes Radio Partners

Yahoo Edges Out Google in U.S. Internet Traffic During July

According to comScore’s monthly ranking of the top 50 U.S. Web properties, Yahoo sites stole Google’s lead in July with 196,564,000 unique visitors. Google sites, which have led in Internet traffic for the past two years, came in a close second for the month, with 192,251,000 visitors. Yahoo’s recent jump in traffic follows the company’s $1.1 billion acquisition of Tumblr in May. Yahoo has not found itself in comScore’s top position since May of 2011. Continue reading Yahoo Edges Out Google in U.S. Internet Traffic During July

Google May Use Glass to Track Consumer Reactions to Ads

Recently discovered patent information suggests that Google may begin using Google Glass to track consumers’ reactions to advertisements. Glass can identify an ad and judge a person’s response by monitoring pupil dilation. This technology could help Google develop a “pay per gaze” system where advertisers get charged each time an ad is viewed through Glass. However, recent reports have indicated that personal data collected from Google Glass apps would not be sold for advertising or marketing purposes. Continue reading Google May Use Glass to Track Consumer Reactions to Ads

Intel Makes its Case: There is No Better Time to Buy a PC

In a survey conducted by Intel, it was revealed that 97 percent of participants consider their PC to be their primary computing device. The survey also found that participants consider their PCs to be vital to their daily existence, and of the 43 hours per week spent on computing devices, about half of that time is spent in front of a PC. Intel suggests that it may be the perfect time to buy a new PC, and despite competition from tablets, the PC is not a thing of the past. Continue reading Intel Makes its Case: There is No Better Time to Buy a PC

AmEx Debit Cards to Feature Images from Online Video Game

Executives at American Express are targeting millennials with a new sponsorship program that includes prepaid debit cards featuring images from the popular online video game “League of Legends” by Riot Games. Tomorrow, the company will announce a program through which users will receive 1,000 points when they sign up for the card and another 1,000 points when they load $20 onto the card. Additional points can be earned with purchases and when the card is linked to a direct deposit account. Continue reading AmEx Debit Cards to Feature Images from Online Video Game

Twitter and Datalogix to Measure Impact of Tweets on Sales

Twitter announced on Thursday a partnership with Datalogix, a marketing company that measures the impact of online advertisements, to develop an “offline sales impact” program. The new program intends to help quantify the effect of promoted and organic (non-advertising) tweets on offline sales for consumer packaged goods (CPG) businesses in the U.S. Twitter plans to offer this program to more verticals and outside the U.S. in the future. Continue reading Twitter and Datalogix to Measure Impact of Tweets on Sales

Facebook To Open Up on Changes to News Feed Algorithms

On Tuesday, Facebook announced that it will now regularly publish blog postings about the algorithm that runs the display of posts on the home screen of its users. This is a reversal for Facebook, as it has previously kept its algorithms secret. This openness is an attempt to improve credibility among its users and businesses. The company is also debuting a new “Story Bumping” feature, which will push missed stories ahead of ones already read. Continue reading Facebook To Open Up on Changes to News Feed Algorithms

Starbucks to Become Significant Media Distribution Platform?

Google is partnering with Level 3 Communications to offer free Wi-Fi service at more than 7,000 Starbucks location in the U.S. The service is expected to be about 10 times faster than the T1 connections currently provided by AT&T (which had reportedly offered to upgrade its service). The new Wi-Fi will be available in some stores next week with a complete rollout scheduled within 18 months. In addition, the upgraded Starbucks Digital Network will offer new media distribution opportunities. Continue reading Starbucks to Become Significant Media Distribution Platform?

Google Unveils Glass Partnership with Notable Film Schools

Google has announced its plans for the Glass Creative Collective, a new partnership with film and design schools including USC, AFI, UCLA, CalArts and RISD. In an effort to help students and aspiring filmmakers become comfortable with Google Glass features such as the voice-activated interface and built-in video cameras, the company is loaning each of the schools three sets of the $1,500 Glass device for the upcoming semester. The goal is for students to start experimenting with more immersive forms of entertainment. Continue reading Google Unveils Glass Partnership with Notable Film Schools

Facebook Mobile Development More Attractive to Advertisers

Facebook’s growth in mobile advertising revenue contributed in part to a surprising second quarter return this year. The social network’s large user base and scalable mobile advertising platforms have become major attractions for advertisers. The company has been taking advertisers more seriously in ad platform development and is working closely with them to understand their needs. As a result, advertisers are becoming more comfortable with Facebook. Continue reading Facebook Mobile Development More Attractive to Advertisers

Advertising Giants Merge in Effort to Fend Off Silicon Valley

Advertising powerhouses Omnicom Group of the U.S. and Publicus Groupe SA of France announced a merger on Sunday that aims to fend off the growing competition from Silicon Valley tech companies including Google and Facebook. The new Publicis Omnicom Group will have combined revenue of nearly $23 billion. The Wall Street Journal describes the merger as “a $35.1 billion cross-border linkup that shows how Big Data is making Madison Avenue look more like Wall Street.” Continue reading Advertising Giants Merge in Effort to Fend Off Silicon Valley