Debra KaufmanApril 26, 2021
The Apple App Store is full of scams, according to Kosta Eleftheriou, who has hunted down scam apps for iPhones and iPads that lure consumers into a “free trial” and then charge them insanely high monthly subscription rates without an obvious way to cancel. Eleftheriou, who said these scam apps advertise themselves with thousands of fake 5-star reviews, has come to the conclusion that Apple doesn’t care or is incompetent. Apple isn’t the only target for fraudsters, who have a lucrative business scamming digital advertisers. Continue reading Scams Are a Problem for Apple App Store, Digital Advertising
Rob ScottFebruary 24, 2015
While “The Lego Movie” did not bring home any Academy Awards for Warner Bros. on Sunday, it still managed to generate some Oscar gold in the form of a clever toy statuette made of 500 yellow plastic bricks. During the performance of “Everything is Awesome” (nominated for Best Original Song), Lego versions of the Oscar statuette were distributed to audience members Oprah Winfrey, Steve Carell, Emma Stone and others. Before long, #LegoOscar became a top trending topic on Twitter and a new star was born. Continue reading Lego Oscars Were a Major Hit During and After Academy Awards