Likewise: Startup Backed by Bill Gates Launches Pix Chatbot

Likewise, a startup discovery platform backed by Bill Gates, is launching its own free chatbot named Pix. Billed as “the world’s first personal entertainment companion,” Pix helps users find TV shows, movies, books and podcasts, drawing from 600 million consumer data points. Trained on OpenAI models, Pix uses natural-language processing to answer user questions submitted by text, email or on the web at Responses are promised “within seconds,” and Pix will learn users’ preferences over time. Likewise claims to have more than six million registered users. Continue reading Likewise: Startup Backed by Bill Gates Launches Pix Chatbot

Musk Staffs xAI with Execs from Top Technology Companies

Elon Musk is sharing additional details about his latest endeavor, an artificial intelligence company called xAI. The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX — and owner, executive chairman and CTO of Twitter — says his new company aspires to “understand the true nature of the universe.” While word began leaking out in February about Musk’s AI plans, he went public with his team on Wednesday (featuring executives from several notable tech firms), communicating via a newly minted website that also includes a recruitment message. Musk plans to release more information today live on Twitter Spaces. Continue reading Musk Staffs xAI with Execs from Top Technology Companies