Paula ParisiMarch 22, 2023
The Human Artistry Campaign launched at South by Southwest (SXSW) last week with a goal “to ensure artificial intelligence technologies are developed and used in ways that support human culture and artistry — and not ways that replace or erode it.” With support from over 40 industry organizations — including the Recording Academy, SAG-AFTRA and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) — the coalition outlined principles advocating AI best practices, emphasizing “respect for artists, their work, and their personas; transparency; and adherence to existing law including copyright and intellectual property.” Continue reading Music Industry and Copyright Office Advance Positions on AI
Paula ParisiDecember 12, 2022
The House Judiciary Committee has approved the American Music Fairness Act, which would require broadcast radio stations to pay royalties to performance artists and musicians. Currently only songwriters and publishers get royalties for terrestrial radio play. The U.S. is unusual among developed nations in failing to provide a legal framework for performer compensation for songs played on-air — a vestigial artifact from the days when radio was a fledgling media and airplay was considered promotion for record sales. Newer media, including streaming and other subscription services, pays performance royalties. Continue reading Music Fairness Act to Secure Radio Payments for Performers
Debra KaufmanNovember 13, 2020
Last month, the Recording Industry Association of America, the Recording Academy, the National Music Publishers Association, the Music Managers Forum, the American Association of Independent Music and SAG-AFTRA chastised Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos for his company Twitch’s copyright violations. Twitch finally conceded that it ignored the use of unlicensed recorded music by its video creators and issued a blog post urging them to no longer do so and to delete any older VODs and Clips with unlicensed music. Continue reading Twitch Responds to a Flood of Copyright Takedown Notices
Debra KaufmanOctober 28, 2020
A group of U.S. music organizations — including the Recording Industry Association of American (RIAA), the Recording Academy, the National Music Publishers Association, the Music Managers Forum, the American Association of Independent Music, and a dozen more — penned an angry letter to Amazon founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos and Twitch chief executive Emmett Shear. Their complaint is that the Amazon-owned Twitch, a popular live-streaming platform, is not securing synch and mechanical licenses for its Soundtrack tool. Continue reading Music Groups Accuse Twitch of Streaming Unlicensed Music