ETCentricAugust 7, 2023
ETC@USC will host its 8th vETC virtual conference at SIGGRAPH 2023 in Los Angeles, August 8-10. The event – which highlights significant presentations of emerging technologies and their impact on the M&E industry – will explore how generative AI, machine learning, and other compelling new tools help simplify building 3D worlds and tackle today’s computer vision challenges. Three days of sessions will be recorded and posted on ETC’s YouTube channel. For those attending SIGGRAPH who may be interested in attending the sessions (located at Z by HP Booth 215), visit the program guide, which includes a full schedule and speaker bios. Continue reading ETC Will Host Sessions at SIGGRAPH Conference This Week
ETCentricAugust 4, 2023
ETC@USC will host its 8th vETC virtual conference at SIGGRAPH 2023 in Los Angeles, August 8-10. The event – which highlights significant presentations of emerging technologies and their impact on the M&E industry – will explore how generative AI, machine learning, and other compelling new tools help simplify building 3D worlds and tackle today’s computer vision challenges. Three days of sessions will be recorded and posted on ETC’s YouTube channel. For those attending SIGGRAPH who may be interested in attending the sessions (located at Z by HP Booth 215), visit the program guide, which includes a full schedule and speaker bios. Continue reading ETC Will Host Sessions at SIGGRAPH Conference Next Week
ETCentricOctober 31, 2022
As part of the upcoming Infinity Festival 2022 — “where Hollywood meets Silicon Valley” — production and tech experts will gather for a special one-day workshop covering numerous elements of on-set virtual production. The event, slated for 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on November 5 at Goya Studios in Los Angeles, will showcase an LED volume for hands-on demos related to the virtual art department, on-set operations, and shooting and directing. The workshop is presented by Nvidia and Z by HP in association with ETC@USC. It is produced by Erik Weaver of ETC and co-hosted by Rick Champagne of Nvidia. Visit Infinity Festival for tickets and more info (use code Weaver25 for a 25 percent discount). Continue reading Industry Experts to Convene for Virtual Production Workshop
Paula ParisiMarch 2, 2022
“A world without synthetic humans is not an option anymore,” the audience at the 2022 HPA Tech Retreat in Rancho Mirage were advised by “Fathead” virtual production producer Tom Thudiyanplackal. Equally unimaginable is a world without synthetic sets, as was obvious at Tuesday’s daylong HPA Super Session, themed “Immerse Yourself in Virtual Production.” “Fathead,” the fifth short from the USC Entertainment Technology Center’s Annual ETC Innovation and Technology Grant, was all about in-camera VFX, captured in real-time on a stage lined and lidded with LEDs — 280-degrees around and on the ceiling, too. Continue reading ETC Pushes Boundaries of Virtual Production with ‘Fathead’