Wearables Waiting For a Killer App to Take Them Mainstream

Considering a mere five percent of U.S. consumers wear activity trackers, will wearables ever cross-over to the mainstream? Even the experts in this field have trouble agreeing. Steven Pierce, of IBM’s global business development, said we’ll have ten devices on our bodies very soon. “Wearables will be the key source of information in five years,” he said, listing implantables and injectables as future wearables. But Sonny Vu, founder of Misfit Wearables, disagreed. “Five years isn’t that far away,” he said. “I don’t think science will advance that fast.” Continue reading Wearables Waiting For a Killer App to Take Them Mainstream

Smithsonian X 3D Collection Brings Historical Objects to Life

The Smithsonian has launched an online collection called the Smithsonian X 3D. The site includes a browser-based 3D viewer that allows users to experience objects that have been scanned, such as artifacts and fossils, up close. In addition, users can download related files in order to print models using their own 3D printer. The project supports 19 museums, 9 research centers and the National Zoo in its goal to expand Smithsonian digital assets. Continue reading Smithsonian X 3D Collection Brings Historical Objects to Life

The AMAZE Project: Space Agency Brings 3D Printing to Metal

The European Space Agency plans to apply 3D printing to metal in order to build parts for jets, spacecraft and fusion projects. ESA and the EU, together with industrial and academic partners, are developing the first large-scale 3D production methods to create metal parts that are lighter and more affordable than conventional parts. While 3D printing is already being used to produce plastic products, applying the process to metal parts for rockets and planes would save money and be more efficient. Continue reading The AMAZE Project: Space Agency Brings 3D Printing to Metal

Stanford Scientists Build Computer Using Carbon Nanotubes

A team of engineers at Stanford University has built the first functioning computer that uses carbon nanotubes rather than the standard silicon. The new material for building transistors could dramatically impact the way computers work in the future. While others have discussed the possibility of carbon nanotubes for years, Stanford’s team is the first to put them to practical use. The material could launch a new generation of devices that run faster and use less energy. Continue reading Stanford Scientists Build Computer Using Carbon Nanotubes

BBC Places 3D Pilot on Hold, Cites Lack of Public Interest

The BBC announced it will take a hiatus from developing 3D TV programming based on the public’s “lack of appetite” for the technology. Kim Shillinglaw, the BBC’s head of 3D, says that British television viewers have not taken to the format, despite the fact there are now an estimated 1.5 million UK households with 3D TVs. As a result, the BBC is planning a three-year break from its 3D project once the current two-year pilot comes to an end later this year. Continue reading BBC Places 3D Pilot on Hold, Cites Lack of Public Interest

Advancement of Human Intelligence and Cognitive Systems

Humans and machines have evolved together over time. Within the past 200 years, technology, and human use of it, has significantly improved beyond most expectations. But the Internet, digital technologies and the mass number of mobile devices, offers massive amounts of data that require new ways of analyzing it. Irving Wladawsky-Berger suggests that cognitive systems can perform the task, and help make new determinations on a much larger scale. Continue reading Advancement of Human Intelligence and Cognitive Systems

Discovery Launches Online Science and Adventure Network

Discovery is launching its first online video network today in an attempt to attract largely young, male viewers who are becoming more challenging to reach through traditional TV. Called TestTube, the new online network will initially offer 15 original short-form shows that focus on science and adventure, available for free via YouTube, Xbox and TestTube’s website. The network was developed with online video producer Revision3, which Discovery acquired last year. Continue reading Discovery Launches Online Science and Adventure Network

Google I/O: Chief Exec Calls for Technology Cooperation

As part of yesterday’s Google I/O keynote, the company’s CEO Larry Page made a surprise visit on stage to discuss his take on technological progress and answer questions from software developers in attendance. During his remarks, Page suggested that computer science has a marketing problem today, we should be doing more to encourage children’s pursuit of science, and technological progress has been hampered by needless competition among tech companies. Continue reading Google I/O: Chief Exec Calls for Technology Cooperation

Making a Music Video from the International Space Station

Occasionally we like to share information that is not necessarily about breaking news related to new products, services or industry trends — but more about innovation and inspiration. This is one of those stories. Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield recently made history when he performed a song co-written with Barenaked Ladies frontman Ed Robertson in the first Earth-to-Orbit musical performance. Now he’s released a music video of his version of David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” recorded from the International Space Station. Continue reading Making a Music Video from the International Space Station

Google Improves Voice Recognition with Neural Algorithms

In its latest version of the Android mobile operating system, Google installed a voice recognition system based on a neural network, or a computerized learning system that behaves like the human brain. The voice error rate on Android’s latest Jelly Bean is about 25 percent lower than previous versions of the software, making it far more comfortable for people to use voice commands on their devices. Continue reading Google Improves Voice Recognition with Neural Algorithms

How Design Affects the Brain: What is Attractive and Why?

Great design and attractive products please the human brain, according to brain scan studies revealing that the mere sight of an attractive product can trigger the part of the motor cerebellum that governs hand movement. That means human beings instinctively reach towards attractive things, even if they don’t fully understand why while they’re doing it. Continue reading How Design Affects the Brain: What is Attractive and Why?

Three Americans Earn Top Honors at First Google Science Fair

  • Three female American students swept top honors at the first Google Science Fair, “bucking the perception of a male-dominated science world.”
  • The three girls were selected from more than 10,000 students representing 91 countries in the international competition.
  • The grand prize was awarded to 17-year-old Shree Bose for her work with cisplatin, a chemotherapy treatment drug for ovarian cancer.
  • Bose was awarded a $50,000 scholarship, a 10-day trip to the Galapagos Islands with a National Geographic researcher, and an internship at the CERN particle physics laboratory.
  • In total, the three Americans earned more than $100,000 in scholarships and prizes.
  • Video of the awards presentation and guidelines for next year’s competition are available at the Google Science Fair website.