George GerbaAugust 27, 2014
During a two-night event hosted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, neuroscientists and cognitive psychologists met with filmmakers to discuss their impressions of viewer attention and perception. Scientists have studied the mental and physical responses of audiences through eye-tracking experiments and analysis, while filmmakers have relied more on intuition and experience. Both groups are interested in what maintains an individual’s attention during the movie-going experience. Continue reading Cognitive Scientists, Filmmakers Explore Cinematic Perception
Marlena HallerJuly 29, 2014
Baseline Study, an ambitious Google project, plans to determine the fullest picture yet of a healthy human being. Andrew Conrad, a molecular biologist who joined the Google X research arm in 2013, is running the project along with his team of experts. The study will collect the anonymous genetic and molecular information of 175 different people, expanding to thousands more in the future. In the long run, Google X hopes to detect fatal illnesses in their early stages. Continue reading Google’s Baseline Study Aims to Spot Diseases in Early Stages
emeadowsMarch 25, 2013
Pentagon research agency DARPA is readying a four-year project to design artificial intelligence systems based on machines that can teach themselves using algorithms. An additional goal is to make it possible for ordinary people to build these machines. The agency believes it is possible to design and build computers that learn and evolve, not by modeling them after the human brain, but rather by using algorithms. Continue reading DARPA Turns to Algorithms to Improve Machine Learning