Marlena HallerAugust 15, 2014
Intel released information about Intel Core M, a new chip production process based on the Broadwell design. These chips will be just 14-nanometers thin and will will target devices without a cooling fan (such as tablets) that are nine millimeters or less. Before the holiday selling season, Intel expects the first devices using the new chips will be available to the public. Intel Core M should combat struggles the company has had recently with placing their chips into tablets and smartphones. Continue reading Intel Targets Tablets with its New 14-Nanometer Core M Chip
Meghan CoyleJuly 25, 2014
A team of open source developers, including several former Google engineers, is working on software that will allow companies to ensure that their cloud computing systems will run even if a server or data center goes down. The software known as CockroachDB is based on Google’s Spanner system, which uses thousands of servers to run its online empire. CockroachDB will similarly replicate information across data centers, so online operations will not suffer from outages. Continue reading CockroachDB Cloud-Based Software Makes Websites Resilient
Meghan CoyleJuly 7, 2014
Netflix recently open-sourced one of its management tools designed to work with machines through Amazon’s cloud. Security Monkey is the latest open-source tool in a line of software known as the “Simian Army,” that was developed to help run Netflix’s massive online service. For companies using Amazon’s cloud computing services, Security Monkey can monitor configuration changes across several Amazon accounts and ensure that those changes avoid common security problems. Continue reading Netflix Releases its Security Monkey as an Open-Source Tool
Cassie PatonNovember 13, 2013
Facebook, along with Intel, Broadcom and others, revealed the first steps toward developing an open switch that will rival Cisco’s network hardware. The social networking site’s Open Compute Project (OCP) was announced six months ago, and now it’s making progress toward its goal by receiving switch specifications from its consortium members. The OCP plans to release a specification and reference box for an “open, OS-agnostic top-of-rack switch.” Continue reading Facebook’s New Open Compute Project to Compete with Cisco
Rob ScottApril 19, 2013
Rather than crawl websites like a traditional search engine, Shodan navigates back channels tracking servers, webcams, printers, routers and other devices connected to the Internet. Each month, it gathers information on roughly 500 million connected devices and services. CNNMoney calls Shodan “the scariest search engine on the Internet.” As we move closer to the Internet of Things, it raises questions about how easy it may be to hack anything that is connected to the Internet. Continue reading Search Engine Exposes Vulnerability of Connected Devices
ETCentricMarch 22, 2013
Electronic Arts’ long awaited release of “SimCity,” the first new edition in 10 years, was abruptly halted two weeks ago when servers gave out, unable to handle the influx of gamers. “SimCity” was not designed with an offline mode, and recovery efforts have been challenging. Since the launch, both EA and developer Maxis have been working hard to fix the situation and communicate its ongoing efforts with gamers. Continue reading EA and Maxis Defend MMO After SimCity Launch Problems