New Audiovox Receiver Cuts the Hardline for Dyle Mobile TV

The Dyle mobile digital TV venture announced that its service is now positioned to reach a wider range of smartphones and tablets following the debut of the new “mobiletv” receiver from Audiovox, developed by Siano. When paired with the Dyle app, the new receiver captures Dyle TV signals and sends them to iOS and Android mobile devices using an integrated Wi-Fi radio. Earlier Dyle-compatible receivers could only plug into iPads and iPhones via 30-pin hardline interfaces. Continue reading New Audiovox Receiver Cuts the Hardline for Dyle Mobile TV

Wireless: Startup Envisions Doubling Use of Radio Spectrum

Kumu Networks hopes to provide a solution to the increase of smartphone users and data demands on wireless networks. Kumu claims that its technology can double the capacity of cellular and Wi-Fi communications by challenging the idea that mobile devices cannot transmit and receive data on one frequency at the same time. The Stanford University startup first emerged in 2011 when the team wrote a paper claiming two-way traffic could be carried simultaneously through a specific chunk of radio spectrum.

Continue reading Wireless: Startup Envisions Doubling Use of Radio Spectrum

Startup Ossia Unveils Wireless Power Charging Technology

Wireless charging has yet to enter into the mainstream market and has seen little development. But a relatively unknown startup, Ossia, has developed wireless powering technology called Cota that it hopes to bring to market and change the way businesses and consumers power their devices. It uses a wireless spectrum similar to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to safely deliver power, and has the potential to easily power common devices in a seamless way. Continue reading Startup Ossia Unveils Wireless Power Charging Technology

LTE Networks in Asia Could Set the Stage for U.S. and Europe

Carrier aggregation allows for splicing and rearranging of the electromagnetic spectrum to create a super-charged network connection. A number of companies are experimenting with the technology, while networks in Asia are already touting faster speeds and breakthroughs in 4G. In June, SK Telecom announced its LTE-Advanced service with speeds two times faster than that of LTE, and 10 times faster than 3G. South Korea’s LG U+ followed in July, leaving Europe and North America to play catch up. Continue reading LTE Networks in Asia Could Set the Stage for U.S. and Europe

SoftBank to Acquire Sprint Nextel, CEO Boasts Big Plans

SoftBank Corp. is expected to take over Sprint Nextel in a $21.6 billion deal, while separately, Sprint raised its Clearwire offer to $5 a share, beating a rival bid from Dish Network. Masayoshi Son — chairman and chief executive officer of SoftBank, who founded the company in 1981 — told shareholders at an annual meeting in Tokyo on Friday that he plans on SoftBank becoming “the world’s biggest company.” Sprint shareholders are scheduled to vote on the takeover tomorrow. Continue reading SoftBank to Acquire Sprint Nextel, CEO Boasts Big Plans

Dish Network Opts Not to Submit New Bid for Sprint Nextel

Sprint Nextel, the third largest U.S. wireless carrier, accepted a $21.6 billion bid last week from Japan’s SoftBank and gave Dish Network a Tuesday deadline to make a best and final offer. However, Dish said it would not submit a new offer by the deadline, which clears the way for a Sprint acquisition by SoftBank. Dish has shifted its focus to purchasing a large stake in Clearwire Communications, but now faces a lawsuit filed by Sprint to block the offer. Continue reading Dish Network Opts Not to Submit New Bid for Sprint Nextel

Dish Pursues Clearwire: Could Complicate Sprint Nextel Plans

Dish Network is reportedly making a play for shares of Clearwire Corp., which could complicate a planned purchase of the broadband company by Sprint Nextel. In an effort to better compete in the U.S. wireless market, Sprint had agreed to purchase the roughly 50 percent of Clearwire that it does not already own. Additionally, Sprint agreed to a $20 billion acquisition by Japan’s SoftBank Corp. However, Dish also made a $25.5 billion offer to acquire Sprint.  Continue reading Dish Pursues Clearwire: Could Complicate Sprint Nextel Plans

TV Networks Face Unprecedented Challenges in Digital Era

As the upfronts roll out this week in New York City, television networks are facing new challenges: prime time ratings for major broadcasters have been dropping, ad spending is increasingly turning to cable, original programming from the likes of Amazon and Netflix are creating more competition, government regulators are seeking changes to spectrum allocation, and startups like Aereo may impact the subscription revenue of stations. Continue reading TV Networks Face Unprecedented Challenges in Digital Era

Big TV Versus Big Telecom in Battle for Broadcast Spectrum

While some seem to think our nation is heading toward maximum capacity in broadcast spectrum because of the growing number of mobile devices and high data usage, others say those fears are exaggerated. Either way, as the government plans to auction off broadcast spectrum in an effort to expand wireless services, it pits Big TV against Big Telecom at the Federal Communications Commission and with Congress. Continue reading Big TV Versus Big Telecom in Battle for Broadcast Spectrum

AT&T to Expand 4G LTE Network with Verizon Spectrum Deal

AT&T announced it will acquire licenses for Verizon’s 700MHz spectrum, which would allow AT&T to expand its 4G LTE coverage to 42 million people across 18 states in the U.S. The carrier will spend $1.9 billion to acquire the licenses from Verizon. AT&T will also provide licenses of its AWS spectrum to Verizon in markets including Los Angeles, Fresno and Portland in order for Verizon to further deploy its own network. Continue reading AT&T to Expand 4G LTE Network with Verizon Spectrum Deal

Telecom: FCC Approves Dish Network Plan to Convert Spectrum

Many hedge fund and telecom execs have bought up various bands of spectrum in hopes of converting it for wireless networks. The FCC has denied several requests, keeping its strident allotment for airwaves, but the commission recently gave the rare green light to Dish Network.

“Late Tuesday, the FCC unanimously approved [Dish Chairman Charlie] Ergen’s plan,” the Wall Street Journal reports. “Under the order, Dish would be required to not use a portion of its spectrum to avoid interference with neighboring airwaves, according to FCC officials. The company would also be required to cover at least 70 percent of the new network in each of its geographic license areas within seven years.”

Ergen started assembling the spectrum five years ago through government auctions and investments in flailing satellite companies, spending roughly $3 billion. “At a stroke, the FCC has now raised its value to as much as $12 billion, according to some analysts’ estimates. Mr. Ergen has to do the hard work of putting that spectrum to use or getting FCC approval to sell it,” the article states.

“Wireless service could give Dish an important new line of business in a mature U.S. pay TV market, where its cable TV rivals are able to sell popular ‘bundles’ of telephone, television, and high-speed Internet service.” Rather than building its own network, Dish could partner with a carrier like Sprint Nextel, or potentially even an outside company like Google, to offer wireless service with the spectrum.

“Consumers, meanwhile, could benefit whatever Dish decides, as the FCC’s decision frees up more bandwidth for data-hungry devices like smartphones and tablets,” explains WSJ. “The drawn-out process of converting that spectrum also highlighted how slowly regulators have moved to put much-needed airwaves to more valuable uses.”

Wireless Game-Changer: FCC Proposes Airwave-Sharing Scheme

A new spectrum sharing rule proposed by the Federal Communications Commission would be the biggest wireless regulatory change in decades and could prove a pivotal move in addressing ever-increasing data traffic. “Under the proposed rule, wireless carriers, corporate offices, or researchers could reserve pieces of that spectrum in different regions and at different times — a system managed by a central database,” Technology Review explains.

“The approach guarantees that the spectrum will be available and not subject to interference in certain areas by a crush of new users, as might happen if the new chunk of spectrum were made available with no regulation at all.”

The step “is a critical milestone,” says David Tennenhouse, Microsoft’s VP of technology policy. In addition to releasing more spectrum, the rule will enable “dynamic spectrum sharing that is particularly well suited for absorbing growing wireless data traffic,” he says.

“Cisco Systems estimates that mobile data traffic will grow by a factor of 18 by 2016, and Bell Labs predicts it will increase by a factor of 25,” notes the article. “Many more airwaves could eventually be shared with the help of cognitive radios, which sense available frequencies and shift between them.”

The rule applies to spectrum in the 3.550 to 3.650 gigahertz band, which is currently used by radar systems. At first, the “checked-out” spectrum might be free, but a pricing system may eventually be implemented to allow a wireless carrier to pay for priority access in times of extreme high demand.

“Whatever the details, the move spells the beginning of the end of a system in which spectrum is either exclusively owned by a private company, walled off for government and military use, or unlicensed and crowded,” suggests the article.

Tech Industry Calls on Congress to Allocate More Mobile Spectrum

  • A team of tech companies including Apple, Samsung, and Nokia has submitted a letter to Congress requesting that it allocate more spectrum for mobile data, reports The Verge.
  • The letter argues the spectrum addition “is timely and relevant” to discuss alongside fiscal cliff debates.
  • “Now is the time to ensure the incentive auctions are as robust and successful as possible at liberating spectrum,” reads the letter. “We should also turn our collective attention on ways to reap the economic benefits of underutilized federal spectrum assets.”
  • “Other signatories include Intel, RIM, Qualcomm, Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, and Ericsson, all of which are members of the High Tech Spectrum Coalition,” notes the post. “The group believes that upcoming spectrum auctions won’t meet the demand for wireless broadband, nor will it be possible to ‘engineer our way out of this problem’ with more efficient technology.”
  • The letter asks Congress to urge spectrum holders to “become more efficient, to share with one another, to vacate, or to lease their spectrum.”
  • An earlier report this year also recommended the government consider sharing spectrum with commercial partners, since it’s “increasingly difficult to find desirable spectrum that can be vacated by federal users.”