Marlena HallerJuly 1, 2014
Hollywood continues to consider drones for media production since they have the potential to save money, offer creative options and create a safer set. Drone-makers, rigging manufacturers and aerial production companies have joined forces to offer camera-equipped drones and services. However, federal law prohibits the commercial use of unmanned aircrafts. The FAA is currently reviewing a request by the MPAA to allow drones for use by the film and television industry. Continue reading Drone Debate Continues as Hollywood Seeks Production Options
Meghan CoyleApril 17, 2014
DARPA’s Mobile Hotspots program is converting retired RQ-7 Army drones into wireless hotspots to provide Wi-Fi to soldiers in remote areas. The drones will be able to transfer data at one gigabyte per second — about the same connectivity of a 4G smartphone — to give troops the same communication capabilities, including access to tactical operation centers and mission data, that others in more central conflict zones have. DARPA is retrofitting the drones with small Wi-Fi antennas. Continue reading DARPA Converts Army Surveillance Drones into Mobile Hotspots
Rob ScottJanuary 17, 2013
UAV drone technology makes it easier for filmmakers to scout locations and drive down the costs of aerial cinematography. Even so, drones still range from $2,000 to $22,000. But French technology company Parrot, which began offering its AR Drone in 2010, demonstrated a soon-to-be released update during CES that will introduce a new Director Mode into its control scheme. Continue reading Affordable Drone Technology Implements New Director Mode