Nuance Bets that Mobile Ads Will Soon Be Talking to You

Voice technology continues to take on more tasks including search, text entry and device control, and now Nuance thinks voice technology could play a significant role in mobile advertising via talking ads. On Monday, the company announced a venture with advertising agencies, ad networks and publishers, in an effort to test if mobile ads featuring voice interaction provide more engagement than traditional banner ads. Continue reading Nuance Bets that Mobile Ads Will Soon Be Talking to You

Volio Tests Virtual Video Conversations with Esquire Staff

Companies such as Google and Apple have created voice-activated technologies that allow consumers to speak with their devices. Now, startup Volio is taking a similar approach with its “Talk To Esquire” app for the iPad and iPhone, in which videos have been pre-produced that allow users to “have a conversation” with the writers from Esquire. Volio’s founder envisions a new era of video interaction across multiple industries. Continue reading Volio Tests Virtual Video Conversations with Esquire Staff