Tech Spending to Reach $2.1 Trillion This Year: Mobile Leading the Way
By Karla Robinson
July 27, 2012
July 27, 2012
- Tech spending is up $114 billion from last year and is expected to hit $2.1 trillion in 2012, reports Gartner Research.
- Mobile services, mobile phones and entertainment services are the most significant segments of the consumer tech market.
- This year, mobile services are expected to account for 37 percent of the total consumer tech spending at $800 billion, while mobile phones will take up 10 percent with $222 billion. According to Gartner, those numbers will increase to $1 trillion and $300 billion respectively by 2016.
- The study shows mobile app stores and e-text content will see impressive growth by 2016.
- Entertainment sits at $210 billion spent for 2012, somewhat eclipsed by mobile.
- “While consumers are willing to pay for content they view as ‘worth it,’ they will approve of ad-supported services only if those services come with free functions, such as cloud storage, VoIP, or email,” VentureBeat writes. “Another finding is that some segments of the tech market are spurring growth in others.”
- Companies in different sectors should collaborate on a better ecosystem for tech consumers, says Gartner, because “the advent of all-you-can eat or umbrella data plans that cover all devices will increase hardware sales.”
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