Dual-screen apps are changing how people interact with and consume content. “For developers this creates many new opportunities to provide better experiences for their users, but it requires thinking about dual-screen setups from the start as well as new tools,” writes Mashable.
- Dual-screen apps have the potential to shake up the industry, as designers now need to think of Web tasks from a different perspective.
- “Importantly, designers and developers need to shed the concept that TVs are for rendering video, and instead think about TVs as large monitors on which they can render applications, content and interactivity that’s supported by a touch-based tablet application,” suggests the article.
- Apple’s AirPlay is taking the concept a step further by allowing iOS devices and PCs with OS X Mountain Lion to display mobile device screens onto a television — essentially creating “a wireless HDMI output to a TV.”
- “With the existing Apple TV unit sales already outselling the Xbox in the most recent quarter, we can see a world that goes from approximately 5 million dual-screen-capable Apple TVs to potentially 15-20 million in the next couple of years, and eventually to 30-50 million as new and improved versions of the Apple TV companion device come to market,” notes the article.
- Mashable explores how dual-screen apps could impact our lives in regards to house-hunting, car purchases, kids edutainment, classroom interaction, medical visuals, video consumption and more. “Virtually every application that exists on the Web and phones and tablets likely has a dual-screen use case.”
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