Security firm F-Secure released a 40-page Threat Report this week for the second half of 2013, which shows that Android receives the most malware attacks. Mobile malware on the Android platform increased 18 percent from 2012 to 2013, from 79 percent to 97 percent. Three fourths of the malware detections came from Saudi Arabia (42 percent) and India (33 percent). The United States and Finland are next on the list at 5 percent each, followed by Germany, Great Britain and Hong Kong.
According to The Next Web, “Android malware rose from 238 threats in 2012 to 804 new families and variants in 2013. Apart from Symbian, F-Secure found no new threats for other mobile platforms this year.”
BlackBerry, Palm, Windows Phone, and iPhone all receive less than 1 percent of malware attacks. Meanwhile Android receives 65 percent of attacks, and Symbian receives 32 percent.
At the bottom of the store list is Google Play with the lowest percentage of malware (0.1 percent). “The Play Store is most likely to promptly remove nefarious applications, so malware encountered there tends to have a short shelf life,” F-Secure noted.
“While that’s great news for most Android users, it means Google needs to work on bringing the Play Store to more and more markets and doing the best it can to ensure more Android devices are certified to use it,” reports TNW. “The company should do so not just because it gets a cut from app sales, but because it will make life harder for Android malware writers.”
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