TikTok Spotlight Offers Studios, Networks New Marketing Tool

TikTok is widely launching its promotional discovery feature, TikTok Spotlight, which lets marketers tap into its vaunted “For You” feed. Movie studios, TV networks and streamers are invited to promote their products adjacent to For You feed content identified as having related interest. “TikTok Spotlight identifies applicable TikToks on our platform and attributes an anchor link” that “drives audiences to a dedicated landing page where they can discover more details,” like synopsis, cast, and user-generated content. Users can link to streaming platforms, digital storefronts or theater ticket sales “directly from the landing page.”

TikTok Spotlight “makes it easy for studios to harness the power of TikTok for upcoming releases and library content,” the social platform claims in a newsroom post, calling the new ad module “a frictionless product experience” that encourages studios to “think like marketers, but act like creators.”

It appears that either TikTok or the advertisers will be able to exercise discretion as to which creator content is linked to the title being advertised, “allowing fans to explore the fandom and conversation around the title, fully immersing themselves in the community.”

“Videos that qualify for Spotlight links must have a certain number of views and creators with a decent following,” TechCrunch writes, explaining that “creators participating in a Spotlight campaign can earn various incentives, such as exclusive frames for their profile photo, filters, merchandise, movie tickets and even access to red-carpet events.”

Variety calls TikTok’s For You feed “the main entry point for TikTok,” and quotes the social streamer explaining that until now, “there hasn’t been a reliable way for entertainment marketers to tap into this ‘unique ecosystem,’” essentially an algorithmically generated discovery hub.

Deadline points out that “a comprehensive analytics dashboard offers marketers insights into their fandoms so they can more effectively activate around a title.” Through the dashboard, they’ll be “able to look at the platform, identify title content, and track how its performing and who is engaging” and use it to spot “developing trends and the conversations in real-time.”

“Warner Bros. has been among the early partners for TikTok Spotlight,” Variety reports. “Earlier this year, the studio used TikTok Spotlight to promote ‘Dune 2’ with a curated search hub, movie anchor and detail page, and a gamified call-to-action to the creator community to create related TikTok videos to unlock custom ‘Dune’ profile frames to decorate their avatars.”

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