Titan Malware System Offers Threat Sharing and Collaboration Tools

  • SecurityWeek writes of a “new malware intelligence system developed at Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI)” that’s “helping government agencies and private companies share threat intelligence and work together to understand attacks.”
  • The system is called Titan and allows “member organizations to submit threat data and to collaborate on malware analysis and classification,” according to the article.
  • The data is contributed anonymously. “You are asking people to submit information about targeted attacks, so anonymity is built-in to the platform,” says Chris Smoak, project leader and branch head for malicious software analysis at GTRI’s Cyber Technology and Information Security Lab.
  • According to Smoak, Titan can do more than the average malware detector like VirusTotal.
  • “Generally speaking, people can upload suspicious files to VirusTotal to find out if it is malicious, and whether existing security tools can detect it,” explains SecurityWeek. “However, there is no way for VirusTotal to look at two variants of malware and correlate it to say they are the same, while Titan can do that, Smoak said.”
  • The system has been in public beta since May collecting data from members across the industry including government agencies. “There is no push to add new members for the remainder of the beta period, Smoak said. The system will be expected to be final in ‘a few weeks,’ at which point the platform will likely be expanded to add more.”

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