TiVo co-founders Jim Barton and Mike Ramsay announced the launch of Qplay a little over a month ago. The service allows users to create personalized video streams called “Q’s” from various sources. Since the announcement, the app, service and TV adapter have only been available as an Early Adopter bundle for $49. Starting this week, the Qplay app is available for free for everyone (not including the TV adapter). The service has added video content from Reddit, College Humor, Funny or Die, The New York Times and Vanity Fair.
“TiVo founders Mike Ramsay and Jim Barton revolutionized the way we watch TV by letting us pause and rewind live TV or watch it later without having to mess with a VCR,” reports Forbes. “TiVo-like devices are common today but now Ramsay and Barton have set their sites on Internet TV with a new iPad app called Qplay along with an accessory that lets you watch Internet programs on a high definition TV set.”
Qplay has pre-made Q’s for people who do not want to make them themselves. Genres include Movie Trailers, Late Night Funny and Photography. The service also allows users to share the videos through Facebook, Twitter and email.
Although the iPad app is free, if users want to play the videos through their TV they need to purchase the $49 adapter.
“We used to complain in the TiVo days that there were 500 channels and nothing to watch,” said Ramsay. “On the Internet instead of 500 channels there are 500 apps.” Ramsay and Barton are trying to solve this issue with Qplay, by allowing users to play videos from various apps in one place.
For additional information, Engadget has posted a video tutorial — or check out the Qplay site.
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