Top Carriers and Trade Group Team to Form the Mobile Payments Committee

  • Representatives from the top American carriers are coming together to form the Mobile Payments Committee (MPC), a task force aimed at consolidating competing platforms for mobile payments into a standardized solution.
  • “The committee will serve as a way to develop policy and business strategy for the mobile payments industry,” reports VentureBeat.
  • Starting later this month, the committee will meet to “help participants figure out the complex business relationships necessary to make mobile payment options interoperable; help legislators and regulators understand how to develop mobile payments public policy; and educate consumers and merchants about the benefits of mobile payments,” the article continues.
  • Commissioned by the trade group Electronic Transactions Association (ETA), the MPC includes representatives from AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile, which could help to end exclusive carrier payment offerings, such as Sprint’s deal with Google Wallet.
  • Visa is also a member of the committee. Square is not yet involved, but ETA CEO Jason Oxman says he would welcome the company.

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