- Amidst stiff competition in the exploding mobile image-sharing sphere, Twitpic announced the release of its first iPhone app for editing and sharing photos.
- Twitpic is best known as the go-to photo sharing service for Twitter users, making it possible to upload directly to Twitter and not via a third party service.
- “Twitpic is hoping that free and simple-to-use editing features will be enticing enough to stay relevant” in the market, according to The New York Times.
- “A free built-in photo editor will allow people to polish photos through a number of tools, including cropping and visual filters. People can also see the most popular pictures shared each day,” details the article. The photos will be shared on Twitter.
- However, Twitpic is facing an increasing number of competitors, including “dozens of free photo-editing apps and social image-sharing services available for the iPhone,” notes NYT. Additionally, Instagram (recently purchased by Facebook for $1 billion) is adding millions of users per month.
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