- Twitter announced updates to its search function, which will include the addition of “autocomplete, spell check, related results relevant to the search query, and show both real names and Twitter handles for each search,” reports The Verge.
- These are part of Twitter’s continued efforts to expand the social network more into the mainstream, especially the displaying of both Twitter handles and real names, “as it tries to ensure regular people don’t have a hard time finding their favorite athletes and celebrities among all the bizarre Twitter handles,” explains the post.
- “These updates make search easier on twitter.com, and related search suggestions, search autocomplete and spelling corrections are also available on Twitter for iPhone and Twitter for Android,” notes the Twitter Blog.
- One of the most interesting new developments, according to The Verge, is one that allows users to search for Tweets within a user’s own social circle. Instead of showing results of all “top tweets,” it will only show those search results from a user’s social stream, potentially narrowing a given search.
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