Twitter co-founder Biz Stone is among the ten celebrities who will be competing in Canon’s Project Imaginat10n initiative — a fresh new take on the short film competition.
- The directors (including Jamie Foxx, James Murphy and Eva Longoria) will gain inspiration from fan submitted photos. Photo categories include “setting, time, character, mood, backstory, relationship, goal, obstacle, the unknown and an unannounced 10th theme,” reports Wired.
- The celebrities will work with director Ron Howard and will be partnered with professional production teams.
- “The concept behind Project Imaginat10n showcases the power still images can have on narrative storytelling, but more importantly, it demonstrates there are no limits with creativity, and sources of inspiration can come from anyone or anything,” Howard explained in a statement. “I’m thrilled to work with this talented group of new directors… to help them on this creative journey.”
- Stone worked as an artist before founding Twitter, and hopes his combination of talents will help him succeed in the competition.
- “When you’re building software that millions of people use at the same time, you really have to be prepared in advance,” he explains. “I still think of myself as an artist and maybe the way that I express myself now is by creating platforms for millions of others to express themselves… This project allows me to get right in to the more traditional definition of the word.”
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