U.S. Q2 Spending: Seventh Consecutive Quarter of Double-Digit Growth

  • According to numbers from comScore, e-commerce sales reached a high $43.2 billion in the second quarter. That’s up 15 percent from a year ago.
  • “The quarter marked America’s seventh consecutive quarter of double-digit growth, as consumers get even more comfortable spending online and having products show up on their front porches,” reports AllThingsD.
  • Amazon is, of course, growing right along with the rise of e-commerce. “The big-box retailer of the Web said that in the second quarter, it grew 32 percent if you take away the impact of foreign exchange,” notes the article.
  • Online auction and shopping site eBay also experienced a significant increase, jumping 23 percent, while brick-and-mortar stores continue to struggle.
  • However, comScore’s numbers do not include mobile sales, which saw a “staggering surge,” according to eBay CEO John Donahoe.
  • According to the report, the top-performing online products included: “Digital content and subscriptions, consumer electronics, flowers, greetings and gifts, computer hardware, and apparel and accessories. Each category grew at least 16 percent compared to the year-ago period.”

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