Vancouver Hopes to Attract Hollywood with New RenderCloud Service
By Rob Scott
January 31, 2012
January 31, 2012
- A consortium of Vancouver-based production, tech and media companies recently launched a service called RenderCloud.
- “Vancouver is revving up its computing horsepower to allow Hollywood studios to more speedily render data-intensive animation and special effects in the cloud,” according to The Hollywood Reporter.
- “Vancouver is also hoping its ultrafast RenderCloud server will allow the west-coast city, already enjoying the advantages of close proximity to Los Angeles, [to] compete with emerging global production centers in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.”
- The local server farm will allow studios to render in the cloud and enable work-sharing on projects. Clients will pay on an as-needed cost-per-day basis with an option of subleasing their resources to other studios.
- The project is led by Vancouver Studio Group, Great Northern Way Campus, Scalar Decisions and BC Film and Media. RenderCloud includes more than 600 servers, with plans to grow to 1,500 by this summer.
- The service is designed for large-scale production of 3D, animation and special effects for film, TV and games.
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