Verizon CEO Pitches Cable Partnerships and Teases Mobile Video

  • Verizon is seeking a partnership with Comcast, Time Warner, Bright House Networks and Cox Communications. The $3.9 billion deal to buy spectrum licenses would also allow Verizon and the cable companies to sell each other’s products.
  • One such product would include a mobile TV service that could be offered by the end of the year.
  • Lowell McAdam, Verizon Communications CEO, is hoping to offer a mobile service where consumers could pick the content they want rather than paying for bundles of channels. McAdam says media companies have acknowledged the need to offer consumers more choice like an a la carte service.
  • Verizon is looking to have content providers pay for the amount of data consumed by streaming video.
  • “Critics have called the deals anti-competitive, charging that they signal a truce between longtime rivals,” reports the Wall Street Journal.

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